Major Themes
Thèmes Principaux

3. The uses and misuses of history and the responsibility of the historians, past and present
3. Les usages de l'histoire et la responsabilité de l'historien dans l'histoire

Georg Iggers, USA

François Bédarida, France

As the third millenary is dawning, public opinion, long with historiography, demonstrates renewed interest in eschatological phenomena and teleological interpretation of current events in the light of a specific meaning granted to the Future. In this sitting, we shall try to identify the roots of such notions in the religions of the Book (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) as well as the alterations they have undergone within the secular frame of Utopia, of Futurism and of "New Age". We shall also try to achieve a new reading of many a happening in medieval, modern and contemporary history in the light of Messianic expectations or apocalyptical anticipations which have so intensily coloured the politcal and religious field to the day. We shall at last investigate the ways in which such notions, often brought about by a learned èlite, have circulated and been received by the people at large, from Antiquity to the day.

c) The Critical Function of History in the Modern Period
c) La fonction critique de l'Histoire pendant la période moderne

Wednesday, 9 August, 14:00-17:00
Mercredi 9 août de 14h à 17h.

Building B, Auditorium 1


Theme 3b
Théme 3b



Theme 1a
Théme 1a