Round Tables
Tables Rondes

13. Gender, race, xenophobia and nationalism
13. Sexe, race, xénophobie, nationalisme

Tuesday, 8 August, 9:00-12:00
Mardi 8 août de 9h à 12h

Building A, Auditorium 3

Ida Blom, Norway

Catherine Hall, United Kingdom

The formation of nations and of nation-states during the late 19th and 20th century gave rise to conflicts over principles of inclusion in and/or exclusion from the nation. Generally, the norm for total inclusion in the nation was the white middle-class man. Consequently, gender, race and class, sometimes further complicated by ethnical and religious identifications, were central fault lines in the process of creating nations. Strategies chosen varied from xenophobic total exclusion to partial or full inclusion in the national community. Myths and symbols created an atmosphere prone to giving preference to certain individuals as national citizens with full political and social rights. Conflicts over duties to the nation, for instance military service and the obligation to bear children, and rights in the nation, such as political, social and economic citizenship, created tensions, sometimes outright confrontations along gender and race divides.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the relative importance of gender, race and class and the entertwinement of these three categories in the creation of nations. Papers will focus on historical moments with critical importance to the profile of national identities and on strategies chosen to mould a coherent national community.

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Round Table 12
Table Ronde 12



Round Table 14
Table Ronde 14