Round Tables
Tables Rondes

17. The history of disease
17. L'histoire de la maladie

Thursday, 10 August, 9:00-12:00
Jeudi 10 Août de 9h à 12h

Building A, Auditorium 1

José Luis Peset, Spain

Lars Göran Tedebrand, Sweden

Disease is a mechanism of adaptation -that is, of attack, equilibrium and defence- of the livings beings to its habitat. Human development and evolution, in its social and ecological setting, gives rise to alterations in the human organism, both in mind and body, against which it must struggle. The history of disease includes very serious theoretical questions. The main are the concepts of the disease and the relations between the human being and the pathological agents. Both changed from the aristotelian to the modern paradigm. AQ history of infectious disease which includes the period before and after the 1880s is therefore logically impossible. The laboratory way of defining and identifying diseases by their microbiological causal agents means that infectious diseases before this date are "incommensurable" with modern infectious diseases. (Andrew Cunningham) The demographic studies are very useful in the indications of the trends of population, but also have serious difficulties in the identification of diagnosis. The reaction to diseases of the groups and individuals are characteristic, focusing on anthropological and social studies. The various interpretations of ethiology and the complex conduct of human beings face to disease contain beliefs, interests, and feelings.


Round Table 16
Table Ronde 16



Round Table 18
Table Ronde 18