Specialised Themes
Thèmes Spécialisés

5. Muslim societies over the centuries
5. Les sociétés musulmanes dans l'histoire

Wednesday, 9 August, 14:00-17:00
Mercredi 9 août de 14h à 17h

Building A, Auditorium 3

Tsugitaka Sato, Japan

Abdel Karim Rafeq, Syria
Manuela Marin

In communities where muslims reside, we find both paceful symbiotic relationship with other peoples, as wll as serious problems such as religious and ethnic strife, irregional conflicts, population explosions, and destruction of enviroment. For example, Muslims are today still deeply involved in the Bosnian conflict, the new ethnic question in the Europeian Union, and the struggle between Muslims and Hindus in South Asia. We may therfore say that social, political and economic trend in the Islamic word will definitely help dertermine the devolopment of word civilization in the twenti-first century. This makes it necessary fo non Muslim peoples to take postive steps to better understand of Islamic history, idelology, and the islamic word today. A five year project entitled "Islamic area studies" was begun in April of 1997 in order to collect information and create a computerized information system wich will deepen our understanding of the Islamic word.

The project plans to do multidisciplinary research on Muslim societies in both Islamic and non Islamic word. Reflecting the facts areas with close ties with Islam now encompass the word. Research activities in the project are carried out focusing on methods wich emphasize comparative and historical analysis.The subject of Muslim Societies over the century has thereby been set in order to compare the formation and devolopment of Muslim societies in the word. In this session we will examine the Muslim societies in Egypt, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia and Europe from the thitrteenth to the twenties centuries. The characteristics of relationships of symbiosis and conflicts between Muslim and Dhimmis in Egypt will be proveided through examples from under the Mamluk rule. In addition, the sanusi movment in the nineteeth century will give us a clue to understand the effect of the Sufi movement on the awakening of the Arabs in that region. We may compare it to that of Central Asia under the rule of Sovjet-Russia or China during the nineteeth and twentieth centuries. The issuses of the Hindu-Muslim relationship in modern South- Asia are important to scholars because they involves problems wich are different from those found in Egypt. Immigrants from Muslim countries have raised a new problem of symbiosis and conflicts in European societies wich should be considered in comparison with other historical examples of immigration.

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Specialised Theme 4
Thème Spécialisé 4



Specialised Theme 6
Thème Spécialisé 6