Specialised Themes
Thèmes Spécialisés

12. Forms of totalitarianism and dictatorship
12. Totalitarismes et dictatures

Monday, 7 August, 9:00-12:00
Lundi 7 Août de 9h à 12h

Building D, Auditorium 5

Sigrid Meuschel, Germany

Dictatorial rule is a fundamental phenomenon of history. It has manifested itself in various ways from the ancient world to our times. This section conceives dictatorial rule as a social process and examines its historical characteristics under several central themes: its origins, its leadership groups, its forms of rule, its goals, its legitimacy formulas as well as its popular acceptance. Special emphasis is placed on the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century which pushed dictatorial control over the individual onto an unprecedented level. The causes and consequences of the failure of totalitarianism in modern Europe are elucidated by two contributions that examine the limits of dictatorial rule and its transformation into democratically legitimized systems.

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Specialised Theme 11
Thème Spécialisé 11



Specialised Theme 13
Thème Spécialisé 13