16. International Commission for the History of Universities
Commission Internationale pour l´Histoire des Universités

Thursday 10 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00


Thursday 10 August 9 - 12. Plenary Session, Old Celebration Hall

9.00-9.15 Welcome, Professor Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, President of the CIHU

9.15-9.30 Welcome, Professor dr. med. Kaare Norum, Rector of the University of Oslo

9.30-10.00 Professor Serge Lusignan, University of Montreal, Canada: "Between the Pope and the King: the Evolution of the Personal Status of University Members in Medieval France".
10.15-10.45 Professor Robert Anderson, University of Edinburgh, Great Britain: "Before and After Humboldt: an Alternative Tradition?"
10.45-11.15 Professor Sverker Sörlin, Umeå University, Sweden: "Why University History is a Contemporary Concern: On Analyzing the Role of Universities for Nations and Regions"

11.30-12.00 General discussion

Thursday 10 August 14 - 17. Parallel groups, (Building A)

Group 1 Teaching and teachers in medieval universities (1 ½ hours)

Group 4. Transitions and new university formations 1750-1850 (3 hours)

Group 6. Women at the universities (3 hours)

Group 9. Transformations after World War II (3 hours)


Friday 11 August 9-12. Parallel groups (Building A)

Group 2. University, state and church from medieval to early modern times (1 ½ hours)

Group 3. New challenges in the 17th and 18th centuries (3 hours)

Group 5. Transitions in the research university, 1850-1930 (3 hours)

Group 7. University teachers in the 20th century (3 hours)

Group 8. University models and university developments in the 20th century (3 hours)


Friday 11 August 14-17. Plenary session

Syntheses from group sessions by group leaders

Concluding discussion



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Group 1: Teaching and teachers in medieval universities (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Jacques Verger, Université de Paris

Münster-Swendsen, Mia, University of Copenhagen: "Mastering Discipline and the Discipline of Mastery - An interpretation of relationships of power within the early University of Paris"

Livesey, Steven J., Professor, University of Oklahoma: "Lombardus electronicus: Careers in the Arts and Theology Faculties before 1500. Commentators on Peter Lombard's Sentences and their University and Extra-University Lives"

Woods, Marjorie Curry, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin: "Transformation and Continuity in the Teaching of Rhetoric in Late Medieval Universities: The Case of the Poetria nova"

Burigana, Riccardo, PhD, Director, Centro di Documentazione del movimento Ecomenico Italiano, Livorno, Italy:
"Teaching or inquisition? The disputation in the University of the Reformation (1502-1560)"

Roy, Lyse, Université de Québec à Montréal: "Professionalisation de l´enseignement universitaire au 16 siècle. Les cas de Caen et de Dole"

Group 2. University, state and church from medieval to early modern times (Friday 11 August 9-12, 1 ½ hours)
Group leader: Professor Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, Gent University

Latouille, Jean-Jacques, Université Lumière, Lyon: "L'Université de Valence en Dauphiné - "d'un projet pédagogique à une intention politique""

Morrissey, Thomas E., State University of New York: "Padua in Crisis and Transition around 1400"

Davies, Jonathan, USA: "Studio, Stato, and State: The University of Florence and the Medici from Party Bosses to Grand Dukes"


Group 3. New challenges in the 17th and 18th centuries (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, Trinity College, Dublin

Lilley, Mark James, Trinity College, Dublin: "Change and Continuity in Contention: The Reform of Scotland's Universities in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries"

Wiesenfeldt, Gerhard, Max-Planck.Institut, Berlin: "The Virtues of New Philosophies. Or: How the Leiden Philosophical Faculty Survived the Crisis of 1676"

Fink-Jensen, Morten, Research Fellow, University of Copenhagen: "The University of Copenhagen and the Challenge of New Scientific Ideas in the Early 17th Century"

Boran, Elisabethanne, Trinity College, Dublin: "The Hartlib circle and the reform of the seventeenth century university"

Negruzzo, Simona, Dott.ssa, Dipartimento Storico Geografico, Università degli studi di Pavia: "The Studium of Habsbourg. University of Pavia between Charles V and Joseph II"

Brown, Michael, Trinity College, Dublin: "Educating the Children of the Enlightenment: Didactic Methods of Morality in the Work of Dugald Stewart"

Finlay, Christopher J., Trinity College, Dublin: "'Commercial Individualism and the Polite Academy: James Balfour's Encounter with the Moral Philosophy of David Hume in A Delineation of the Nature and Obligation of Morality"


Group 4. Transitions and new university formations 1750-1850 (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Matti Klinge, University of Helsinki

Uvarov, Pavel, Professor, Academy of Sciences of Russia, Moscow: "The Beginning of the Russian Universities of the 18.-19. centuries: Difficulties and adaptive capacities of the idea of the University in the unfavorable ground"

Howard, Thomas Albert, PhD, Ass. Professor, Gordon College, USA: "The Theological Faculty and the founding of the University of Berlin"

Held, Dirk t.D., PhD, Connecticut College, USA: "Hellenism, Nationalism, and the Ideology of Research in Humboldt' s University"

Withrington, Donald J., Reader, University of Aberdeen: "Constructing a new university tradition: the curious emergence of 'democratic intellectualism' as the distinctive mark of the Scottish Universities in the 19th century"

Hofstetter, Michael J., Ass. Professor, Southwest State University, USA: "The Romantic Idea of the University: Germany and England, 1770-1850"

Lupo, Maurizio, Istitutio di Storia Economica del Mezzogiorno, Napoli: "Public and Private in University History. Italian Mezzogiorno between the 18th and 19th century: a case study"


Group 5. Transitions in the research university, 1850-1930 (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Roger Geiger, Pennsylvania State University College of Education

Michel, John L., Minnesota, USA: "Reception of the Research Ideal by Physicists at the University of Chicago"

Wisselgren, Per, PhD Student, Umeå university, Sweden: "Private funding, disciplinary formation, and the transformation of universities - a Swedish example from the fin-de-siècle"

Antjoulatou, Heleni and Helena Maniati, University of Athens, Greece: "The Physical Sciences in Higher Education in Greece during the 19th century"

Varriale, Roberta, Istituto di Storia Economica del Mezzogiorno, Napoli: "The School of Law of the University of Naples between 1881 to 1923: a dynamic study through the analysis of newly-discovered documents"


Group 6. Women at the universities (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Anne-Lise Seip, University of Oslo

Rothblatt, Sheldon, Professor, University of California, Berkeley: "The Founding of Women's Colleges in Britain and the United States in the 19th Century"

Pedersen, Joyce Senders, Lecturer, Odense university, Denmark: "Inventing Tradition/Coping with Change: The Women's Colleges in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cambridge"

Ronne, Marta, PhD Student, Uppsala university, Sweden: "Intellectual Outsiders. Women's university novels published 1900-1940 and their historical background"

Hammar, Inger, Fil. dr., Lunds university, Sweden: "Gender trouble at the universities in late nineteenth century Sweden"

MacLachlan, Anne J., PhD, University of California, Berkeley: "The Inclusion of Women in American Higher Education: Institutional Adaptation and Resistance"


Group 7. University teachers in the the twentieth century (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Sivert Langholm, University of Oslo

Tyssens, Jeffrey, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "French University Teachers and their Trade Unions, 1945-1972. Interest Aggregation and Ideological Confrontation in a Period of Educational Expansion"

Raemdonck, Liesje, Drs., Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "Methodological Reflections on the Prosopographical Study of Aacademics: Bourdieu's Sociological Theory and its Application in a Historical Context"

Schandevyl, Eva, Drs., Vrije Universiteit Brussel: "Tensions between Scientific Ethos and Political Engagement: Belgian University Teachers and the Lysenko Case"

Hansen, Else, PhD, National Archives of Denmark, Copenhagen: "Staff Structure in Danish and Swedish Mass Universities. University Traditions in Denmark and Sweden, 1950 to 1990, continuities and discontinuities"

Potts, Anthony, La Trobe University, Australia: "Becoming a Teacher Educator During the Golden Age of Higher Education"


Group 8. University models and university developments in the 20th century (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Sheldon Rothblatt, University of California at Berkeley

Heschel, Susannah, Professor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA: "The Theological Faculty at the University of Jena during the Third Reich"

Haber, Samuel, Professor emeritus, University of California, Berkeley: "The Composite Legitimation of American Universities and the Exclusion of Jews from their Faculties, 1920-1945"

Rupp, Jan C.C., University of Amsterdam: "American Models Transforming European Universities. The Fulbright Program in the Netherlands, 1950-1990"

Auger, Jean -Francois, Université du Québec à Montréal: "La recherche universitaire au service des industries: l'évolution des rapports avec les entreprises à la Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering de l'Université de Toronto, 1900-1980"

Gagnon, Robert, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal: "La Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'émergence de la recherche au Québec"

Tamburri, Pascual, Dr., Universitad Pública de Navarra, Spain, and Dr. Daniele Bucci, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy: "Medieval tradition and Italian innovations: background and evolution of the Spanish Colleges since 1939"

Rich, Paul, Professor, Stanford University, and PhD student Guillermo De Los Reya, University of Pennsylvania: "The History of the Residential Dilemma in Universities: Of Greeks, Dorms, and Colleges"


Group 9. Transformations after World War II (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 Hours)
Group leader: Research fellow Fredrik Thue, University of Oslo

Ericksen, Robert P., Professor, Olympic College, USA: "Denazification at Göttingen: Negotiating the Transition from a National Socialist to a Democratic University"

Helsvig, Kim, Research Fellow, University of Oslo: "Pedagogical Research at the University of Oslo and Educational Policy in Post-war Norway"

Kalleberg, Ragnvald, Professor, University of Oslo: "The Role of "Intellectual" in the Academic Role-Set"

Kolbe, Laura, docent, Helsingfors university: "From Memory to History: 1968 and Female Students in Revolt"

Johnson, Alan, Senior Lecturer, Edge Hill University College, England: "'The Bible of the Free Speech Movement': Hal Draper's The Mind of Clark Kerr revisited"

Balsvik, Randi R.; Professor, University of Tromsø, Norway: "University and State in Africa 1960-1995. Why so much disruption in African Universities?"

Douglass, John A., PhD, Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley: "From Multi- to Meta-University: Organizational and Political Change at the University of California in the 20th Century and Beyond". 1 2





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