Affiliated International Organisations
Organisation affiliées

contact addresses

1. International Association of Southeast Europe
Association Internationale d'Études du Sud-Est Européen

Friday 11 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00

Building A, Auditorium 7

The European Union and South-East Europe
L'Union européenne et le Sud-Est européen

Balkan Days
Journées Balkaniques

Friday 09:00-10:30








Saturday 09:00-10:30


Débats et conclusions

2. International Association of Contemporary History of Europe
Association Internationale d´Histoire Contemporaine de l'Europe

Friday 11 August ,14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August ,09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building A, Auditorium 6

Human Rights in Europe since 1945
Les doits de l'homme en Europe depuis 1945

Organiser: Jacques Bariety, France

Transnational overview of the major postwar intitiatives in favour of human rights
Perspectives transnationale des principales initiatives en faveur des droits l'homme

Principles and practices of human rights on the domestic and international level
Principes et pratiques des droits de l'homme au niveau interne et international

National policies toward human rights
Politique nationales en matières de droits de l'homme

Friday 11 August, 17:00-19:00
General Assembly

3. International Association of History of Law and Institutions
Association Internationale d´Histoire du Droit et des Institutions

Friday 11 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building A, Auditorium 9

Nordic Legal Identities

Saturday 12 August 9:00 12:00

Nordic Legal Culture in an International Context

4. International Economic History Association
Association Internationale d´Histoire Économique

Session Introductions

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building C, Auditorium 1

Economic Change and the Building of the Nation State in History
Dévelopement économique et construction de l'Etat-nation dans l'histoire

Organisers: Alice Teichova, United Kingdom / Herbert Matis, Austria

Introduction: President of the IEHA

09:00 - 12:00


Chair: Herbert Matis, Austria

Rapporteur: Håkan Lindgren, Sweden




Chair: Mikulás Teich, United Kingdom

Rapporteur: Christoph Boyer, Germany




14.00 - 17.00


Chair: Dieter Stiefel, Austria

Rapporteur: Patrick O´Brien, United Kingdom




Rapporteur: Herwig Palme, Austria




Chair: Alice Teichova, United Kingdom

Rapporteur: Margarita Dritsas, Greece



End of session

5. International Committee for the History of the Second World War
Comité International d´Histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

Friday 11 August 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building D, Auditorium 1

The Second World War in XXth Century HIstory

Friday 11 August, 14:00-17:00

National and international dimensions of the war

Saturday 12 August, 9:00-12:00

The Legacy of the War in a long-term perspective

6. The International Federation for Research on the History of Women
Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes

Thursday, August 10, 18:30-20:00
Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building B, Auditorium 1

Conflict and co-operation in sites of cultural coexistence: Perspectives from women's history

Organiser: Nancy Hewitt, USA

Thursday, 10 August
18:30-20:00: Berteke Waaldijk/Maria Grever
Multi-media Presentation-Visualizing and Digitalizing Women's History

(The 1898 Dutch National Exhibition on Women's Labour)

Chair: Frances Gouda, the Netherlands

Commentator: Kumari Umari Jaywardena, Sri Lanka

Friday, 11 August
9:00 Welcome
Pat Grimshaw/Ida Blom

9:30-10:15 Session I

Keynote speaker: Rhoda Reddock, Trinidad-Tobago

10:30-12:30 Session 2
Colonial Encounters

Chair: Ann McGrath, Australia

Reporter: Sylvia Van Kirk, Canada

13:30-15:30 Session 3
Women's Missions: Home, School and Church

Chair: Lynn Abrams, Scotland

Reporter: Jane Haggis, Australia

15:45-17:45 Session 4
War, Refugees and Exile

Chair: Franca Iacovett, Canada

Saturday, 12 August
09:00 Welcome
Nancy Hewitt, USA

9:15-11:15 Session 5
Creating and Contesting Nationalism and National Identities

Reporter: Barbara Bush, England

Session 6
Sisterhood and Sibling Rivalry: Women's Movements and Feminist Movements

Chair: Francisca De Haan, the Netherlands

Reporter: Birgitta Bader-Zaar, Austria

14:00-17:00 Internatinal Museum of Women

7. International Association for Byzantine Studies
Association Internationale des Études Byzantines

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building D, Auditorium 4

Byzantium at the Millennium
Byzance autour de l'an Mil
Paul Magdalino, United Kingdom- Introduction
14.00 - 17.00
Concluding discussion

8. International Commission for the History of Historiography
Commission Internationale pour l´Histoire de la Théorie de l´Historiographie

Friday 11 August 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building E, Auditorium 2

Organiser: Richard Vann

The Historical Sublime

Chair: Hayden White, USA

At the Slaughterbench of History. Historians and Catastrophe

Chair: Georg Iggers, USA

9. International Commission on the History of Social Movements and Structures
Commission Internationale d´Histoire des Mouvements Sociaux et Structures Sociales

Friday 11 August 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building E, Auditorium 1

From Social to Political Violence, 19th and 20th Centuries
De la violence sociale à la violence politique, XIXe-XXe siècle

Rapport de la Commission internationale. Francis DEMIER

Liste des porte-parole des commissions nationales présentes à Oslo :

France : Francis DEMIER
Roumanie : D. BERENDEI
Russie : V.CHILOV
Suisse : H.U. JOST
Université pontificale grégorienne : J. JOBLIN
Italie : R. BALZANI
Irlande : S. OLIVIER
Etats-Unis : J DUBLIN
République Tchèque : J KORALKA
Grande-Bretagne : Ph CHASSAIGNE

10. International Commission on Comparative Ecclesiastic History
Commission Internationale d´Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building D, Auditorium 3

Session 1
On the Road to a History of 20th-Century Christianity: Problems, Questions, Methods

Chair: Hartmut Lehmann, Germany

Session 2
Writing the History of Religion under the Conditions of Stalinism and Marxism, 1945-1989

Chair: Bernard Vogler

Session 3
The Catholic Church and the National States in Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Chiesa cattolica e Stati nazionali in Europa nei secoli XIX-XX

Organised by the Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche della Santa Sede

Chair: Jean-Marie Mayeur

General Assemby of the International Commission on Comparative Ecclesiastic History

11. International Commission of Maritime History
Commission Internationale d´Histoire Maritime

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00, Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Thursday, 10 August

16:30-17:00 Meeting of the Executive Council
17:15-19:00 General Assembly of the ICMH
19:30-Dinner hosted by The Norwegian Shipowners Association and The Norwegian Shipowners War Risks Insurance Association (members only; to take place at the Norwegian Maritime Museum)

Friday, 11 August, 09:00-12:00

Building A, Auditoriums 8, 11

Session 1
Modernisation in Fishing in the North Sea and Zuyderzee in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period: Political, Economic and Ecological Developments.

Organiser: Louis Sicking

Session 2
The Exploitation and Transport of Mineral Oil Products

Organiser: Adrian Jarvis

Friday, 11 August, 14:00-17:00

Session 3
Port Labour

Organiser: Tapio Bergholm

Session 4
Health and Safety at Sea

Organiser: Patricia Crimmin

Saturday, 12 August, 09:00-12:00

Session 5
Port Developement and Finance

Organiser: Adrian Jarvis

Session 6
Open Session 1

Saturday, 12 August, 14:00-17:00

Building A, Auditoriums 5, 8, 11

Session 7
Public Health in Port Cities

Organiser: Robert Lee/Jörg Vogele

Session 8
Working Conditions Afloat

Organiser: Adrian Jarvis

Session 9
Open Session 2

Organiser: Adrian Jarvis

12. International Commission of Military History
Commission Internationale d´Histoire Militaire

Wednesday 9 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

To be held at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS), Tollbugaten 10 (see city map)

Intelligence After World War II: Organisation, Role and International Co-operation

09:00-12:30 Welcome
Rolf Tamnes, Director IFS

Opening: H.E. Bjørn Tore Godal, Minister of Defence

Chair: Olav Riste, Norway

09:20-10:30 Session 1


11:00-12:30 Session 2


Chair: Rolf Tamnes

13:30-15:10 Session 3


15:10-16:20 Session 4


16:40-17:30 Session 5

Donald Cameron Watt: Summing Up

13. International Numismatics Commission
Commission Internationale de Numismatique

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00

Building D, Auditorium 6

Trade Routes and Coinage
Routes de commerce et frappe de monnaie

14. International Commission of Slavic Studies
Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves

Friday 11 August 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building B, Auditorium 5

The Slavs and the Scandinavian World
Le Slaves et le monde scandinave

15. International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions
Commission Internationale pour l´Histoire des Assemblées d´État

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00

Building B, Auditoriums 3, 4

The Future of Parliaments: The Effects of New Methods of Political Consultation
Les parlements dans l'avenir; les effets des nouvelles méthodes de consultation politique

Parliaments and Assemblies in wartime
Parlements et assemblées en temps de guerre

Assemblies and Parliaments: comparative approach
Assemblées et parlements

Methodology and the Language of the Historian
Méthodologie et vocabulaire de l'historien

16. International Commission for the History of Universities
Commission Internationale pour l´Histoire des Universités

Thursday 10 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00


Thursday 10 August 9 - 12. Plenary Session, Old Celebration Hall

9.00-9.15 Welcome, Professor Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, President of the CIHU

9.15-9.30 Welcome, Professor dr. med. Kaare Norum, Rector of the University of Oslo

9.30-10.00 Professor Serge Lusignan, University of Montreal, Canada: "Between the Pope and the King: the Evolution of the Personal Status of University Members in Medieval France".

10.15-10.45 Professor Robert Anderson, University of Edinburgh, Great Britain: "Before and After Humboldt: an Alternative Tradition?"

10.45-11.15 Professor Sverker Sörlin, Umeå University, Sweden: "Why University History is a Contemporary Concern: On Analyzing the Role of Universities for Nations and Regions"

11.30-12.00 General discussion

Thursday 10 August 14 - 17. Parallel groups, (Building A)

Group 1 Teaching and teachers in medieval universities (1 ½ hours)

Group 4. Transitions and new university formations 1750-1850 (3 hours)

Group 6. Women at the universities (3 hours)

Group 9. Transformations after World War II (3 hours)


Friday 11 August 9-12. Parallel groups (Building A)

Group 2. University, state and church from medieval to early modern times (1 ½ hours)

Group 3. New challenges in the 17th and 18th centuries (3 hours)

Group 5. Transitions in the research university, 1850-1930 (3 hours)

Group 7. University teachers in the 20th century (3 hours)

Group 8. University models and university developments in the 20th century (3 hours)


Friday 11 August 14-17. Plenary session

Syntheses from group sessions by group leaders

Concluding discussion



In order to read the conference papers, you need the program Adobe Acrobat Reader. The program can be downloaded by clicking the icon below.

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Group 1: Teaching and teachers in medieval universities (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Jacques Verger, Université de Paris

Münster-Swendsen, Mia, University of Copenhagen:
"Mastering Discipline and the Discipline of Mastery - An interpretation of relationships of power within the early University of Paris"

Livesey, Steven J., Professor, University of Oklahoma:
"Lombardus electronicus: Careers in the Arts and Theology Faculties before 1500. Commentators on Peter Lombard's Sentences and their University and Extra-University Lives"

Woods, Marjorie Curry, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin:
"Transformation and Continuity in the Teaching of Rhetoric in Late Medieval Universities: The Case of the Poetria nova"

Burigana, Riccardo, PhD, Director, Centro di Documentazione del movimento Ecomenico Italiano, Livorno, Italy:
"Teaching or inquisition? The disputation in the University of the Reformation (1502-1560)"

Roy, Lyse, Université de Québec à Montréal:
"Professionalisation de l´enseignement universitaire au 16 siècle. Les cas de Caen et de Dole"

Group 2. University, state and church from medieval to early modern times (Friday 11 August 9-12, 1 ½ hours)

Group leader: Professor Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, Gent University

Latouille, Jean-Jacques, Université Lumière, Lyon:
"L'Université de Valence en Dauphiné - "d'un projet pédagogique à une intention politique""

Morrissey, Thomas E., State University of New York:
"Padua in Crisis and Transition around 1400"

Davies, Jonathan, USA:
"Studio, Stato, and State: The University of Florence and the Medici from Party Bosses to Grand Dukes"


Group 3. New challenges in the 17th and 18th centuries (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Helga Robinson-Hammerstein, Trinity College, Dublin

Lilley, Mark James, Trinity College, Dublin:
"Change and Continuity in Contention: The Reform of Scotland's Universities in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries"

Wiesenfeldt, Gerhard, Max-Planck.Institut, Berlin:
"The Virtues of New Philosophies. Or: How the Leiden Philosophical Faculty Survived the Crisis of 1676"

Fink-Jensen, Morten, Research Fellow, University of Copenhagen:
"The University of Copenhagen and the Challenge of New Scientific Ideas in the Early 17th Century"

Boran, Elisabethanne, Trinity College, Dublin:
"The Hartlib circle and the reform of the seventeenth century university"

Negruzzo, Simona, Dott.ssa, Dipartimento Storico Geografico, Università degli studi di Pavia:
"The Studium of Habsbourg. University of Pavia between Charles V and Joseph II"

Brown, Michael, Trinity College, Dublin:
"Educating the Children of the Enlightenment: Didactic Methods of Morality in the Work of Dugald Stewart"

Finlay, Christopher J., Trinity College, Dublin:
"'Commercial Individualism and the Polite Academy: James Balfour's Encounter with the Moral Philosophy of David Hume in A Delineation of the Nature and Obligation of Morality"


Group 4. Transitions and new university formations 1750-1850 (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Matti Klinge, University of Helsinki

Uvarov, Pavel, Professor, Academy of Sciences of Russia, Moscow:
"The Beginning of the Russian Universities of the 18.-19. centuries: Difficulties and adaptive capacities of the idea of the University in the unfavorable ground"

Howard, Thomas Albert, PhD, Ass. Professor, Gordon College, USA:
"The Theological Faculty and the founding of the University of Berlin"

Held, Dirk t.D., PhD, Connecticut College, USA:
"Hellenism, Nationalism, and the Ideology of Research in Humboldt' s University"

Withrington, Donald J., Reader, University of Aberdeen:
"Constructing a new university tradition: the curious emergence of 'democratic intellectualism' as the distinctive mark of the Scottish Universities in the 19th century"

Hofstetter, Michael J., Ass. Professor, Southwest State University, USA:
"The Romantic Idea of the University: Germany and England, 1770-1850"

Lupo, Maurizio, Istitutio di Storia Economica del Mezzogiorno, Napoli:
"Public and Private in University History. Italian Mezzogiorno between the 18th and 19th century: a case study"


Group 5. Transitions in the research university, 1850-1930 (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Roger Geiger, Pennsylvania State University College of Education

Michel, John L., Minnesota, USA:
"Reception of the Research Ideal by Physicists at the University of Chicago"

Wisselgren, Per, PhD Student, Umeå university, Sweden:
"Private funding, disciplinary formation, and the transformation of universities - a Swedish example from the fin-de-siècle"

Antjoulatou, Heleni and Helena Maniati, University of Athens, Greece:
"The Physical Sciences in Higher Education in Greece during the 19th century"

Varriale, Roberta, Istituto di Storia Economica del Mezzogiorno, Napoli:
"The School of Law of the University of Naples between 1881 to 1923: a dynamic study through the analysis of newly-discovered documents"


Group 6. Women at the universities (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Anne-Lise Seip, University of Oslo

Rothblatt, Sheldon, Professor, University of California, Berkeley:
"The Founding of Women's Colleges in Britain and the United States in the 19th Century"

Pedersen, Joyce Senders, Lecturer, Odense university, Denmark:
"Inventing Tradition/Coping with Change: The Women's Colleges in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cambridge"

Ronne, Marta, PhD Student, Uppsala university, Sweden:
"Intellectual Outsiders. Women's university novels published 1900-1940 and their historical background"

Hammar, Inger, Fil. dr., Lunds university, Sweden:
"Gender trouble at the universities in late nineteenth century Sweden"

MacLachlan, Anne J., PhD, University of California, Berkeley:
"The Inclusion of Women in American Higher Education: Institutional Adaptation and Resistance"


Group 7. University teachers in the the twentieth century (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)

Group leader: Professor Sivert Langholm, University of Oslo

Tyssens, Jeffrey, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
"French University Teachers and their Trade Unions, 1945-1972. Interest Aggregation and Ideological Confrontation in a Period of Educational Expansion"

Raemdonck, Liesje, Drs., Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
"Methodological Reflections on the Prosopographical Study of Aacademics: Bourdieu's Sociological Theory and its Application in a Historical Context"

Schandevyl, Eva, Drs., Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
"Tensions between Scientific Ethos and Political Engagement: Belgian University Teachers and the Lysenko Case"

Hansen, Else, PhD, National Archives of Denmark, Copenhagen:
"Staff Structure in Danish and Swedish Mass Universities. University Traditions in Denmark and Sweden, 1950 to 1990, continuities and discontinuities"

Potts, Anthony, La Trobe University, Australia:
"Becoming a Teacher Educator During the Golden Age of Higher Education"


Group 8. University models and university developments in the 20th century (Friday 11 August 9-12, 3 hours)
Group leader: Professor Sheldon Rothblatt, University of California at Berkeley

Heschel, Susannah, Professor, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, USA:
"The Theological Faculty at the University of Jena during the Third Reich"

Haber, Samuel, Professor emeritus, University of California, Berkeley:
"The Composite Legitimation of American Universities and the Exclusion of Jews from their Faculties, 1920-1945"

Rupp, Jan C.C., University of Amsterdam:
"American Models Transforming European Universities. The Fulbright Program in the Netherlands, 1950-1990"

Auger, Jean -Francois, Université du Québec à Montréal:
"La recherche universitaire au service des industries: l'évolution des rapports avec les entreprises à la Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering de l'Université de Toronto, 1900-1980"

Gagnon, Robert, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal:
"La Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'émergence de la recherche au Québec"

Tamburri, Pascual, Dr., Universitad Pública de Navarra, Spain, and Dr. Daniele Bucci, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy:
"Medieval tradition and Italian innovations: background and evolution of the Spanish Colleges since 1939"

Rich, Paul, Professor, Stanford University, and PhD student Guillermo De Los Reya, University of Pennsylvania:
"The History of the Residential Dilemma in Universities: Of Greeks, Dorms, and Colleges"


Group 9. Transformations after World War II (Thursday 10 August 14-17, 3 Hours)

Group leader: Research fellow Fredrik Thue, University of Oslo

Ericksen, Robert P., Professor, Olympic College, USA:
"Denazification at Göttingen: Negotiating the Transition from a National Socialist to a Democratic University"

Helsvig, Kim, Research Fellow, University of Oslo:
"Pedagogical Research at the University of Oslo and Educational Policy in Post-war Norway"

Kalleberg, Ragnvald, Professor, University of Oslo:
"The Role of "Intellectual" in the Academic Role-Set"

Kolbe, Laura, docent, Helsingfors university:
"From Memory to History: 1968 and Female Students in Revolt"

Johnson, Alan, Senior Lecturer, Edge Hill University College, England:
"'The Bible of the Free Speech Movement': Hal Draper's The Mind of Clark Kerr revisited"

Balsvik, Randi R.; Professor, University of Tromsø, Norway:
"University and State in Africa 1960-1995. Why so much disruption in African Universities?"

Douglass, John A., PhD, Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley:
"From Multi- to Meta-University: Organizational and Political Change at the University of California in the 20th Century and Beyond". 1 2


17. International Commission for the History of Towns
Commission Internationale pour l´Histoire des Villes

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00

Building H, Auditorium 1

Destruction and Reconstruction of Cities
Destruction et reconstruction des villes

18. International Federation of Societies and Institutes for Renaissance Studies
Fédération Internationale des Sociétés et Instituts pour l'Étude de la Renaissance

Programme not available

19. Commission of History of International Relations
Commission d´Histoire des Relations Internationales

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building F, Auditoriums 1, 2

Friday, 11 August

General report and presentations

Friday, 11 August, 14:00-17:00
Saturday, 12 August, 09:00-12:00
Parallell sessions


INTRODUCTION: Globalisation, Regionalisation and History of International Relations (PDF format)

PAPERS: (Word-file(2267kb)) (PDF-file)

The Formation of Images of People from XVIII Century and the History of International Relations (PDF format)

PAPERS: Word-file(2267kb))


Globalisation, Regionalisation and History of International Relations



North America

Latin America


Mediterranean Sea


Global Management

Globalization and Development

Military Alliances


Socialism and Globalisation


History and Theory

The Formation of Images of People from XVIII Century and the History of International Relations
La formation des images des peuples et l'histoire des relations internationales dès XVIII siècle à nos jours

Saturday, 12 August, 14:00-17:00

Summarising and General Assembly

20. Instituto Panamericano de Geografia y Historia

Programme not available

21. The International Association of Historical Societies for the Study of Jewish History

Friday 11 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building D, Auditorium 5

Comparative Perspectives on the Interplay of Continuity and Innovation in the History of Jews and Other Minorities

Session 1

Chair: Michael A. Meyer

Opening Address


Session 2

Chair: Joseph R Hacker


22. International Society for History Didactics
Société Internationale pour la Didactique de l´Histoire

Friday 11 August 14:00-17:00, Saturday 12 August, 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

Building F, Auditorium 3

Historical Consciousness and History Teaching in a Globalizing Society

Organiser: Karl Pellens, Germany

From Local History to World History
How do we get Along with History?
History as a Social Memory and the Horizon for the Future

23. Arab Historians Association
Union des Historiens Arabes

Programme not available

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