
1. Central and East Europe (ICHS(CISH)/UNESCO panel)

Thursday 10 August 14:00-17:00

Building D, Auditorium 5

Borders and Changes in 'National Space' in East-Central Europe

Organiser: Jerzy Kloczowski, Polen

Participants :

2. European Resional Affiliate of the World History Association

Friday, 11 August, 09:00-12:00

Building D, Auditorium 8

Organisational meeting

3. Africa, Sub-Sahara (ICHS(CISH)/UNESCO panel)

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00

Building D, Auditorium 9

African Borders from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century (Sub-Sahara)
Histoire et perception des frontières en Afrique noire du Moyen Age a aujourdi'hui

Organiser: Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, France

Participants :

4. América Latina: Retos y resultados en la investigación

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Saturday 12 August 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
Vendredi 11 âout de 9h à 12h, 14h à 17h
Samedi 12 âout de 9h à 12h, 14h à 17h

Building F, Room 10

This workshop will take place from Friday morning to Saturday noon. It will present recent work by researchers on Latin American history in several fields: from historiographic overviews, methodological challenges and reflections on the historical sources and the construction of historical visions, to the processes of identity construction and notions about the nation.

Several papers also reflect an interest in interdisciplinary approaches to historical research, in gender perspectives, and actor oriented approaches. Another focus of interest is the study of the history of the indigenous populations. The papers will offer reflections on theoretical and methodological challenges pertaining to the research which they present.

Coordinator: Turid Hagene, Oslo University College
Moderadoras: Raquel Gil Montero, Argentina
Margarita Vannini, Nicaragua

Primera Sesión (9-12)

"Pueblos de indios", campesinos e indígenas en Amèrica Latina

Política, producción y diversión

Segunda Sesión (14-17)

Historiografía y fuentes

Tercera Sesión (9-12)

Identidad, imágenes y construcciones


The organizers wish to acknowledge the financial support of the following organizations:

- The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- The Panamerican Institute of Geography and History (IPGH)

5. Scandinavia

Thursday, 10 August, 14:00-17:00

Building B, Auditorium 3

People Meet the Law: The Court as and Arena for Conflict Resolution and Normative Interaction

Cultural Processes in Nordic Woodland Communities

The project was initiated in 1995 and finished in 1999. It was carried through by a group of social and human scientists from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. During the project period new participants from other countries were invited into the group. It has been the aim of the research team, from different angles, to focus on everyday life in landscapes and communities dominated by woods, and to analyze various cultural processes within a range of very dissimilar Nordic woodland contexts. In great parts of the Nordic countries, woods and woodland management have until recently been an essential basis of human subsistence. The way in which "woodland" was considered to be as well a poor as an "unlimited" resource, deeply influenced Nordic culture in property and inheritance rights than in more agrarian parts of Europe. Furthermore, it might have affected the perception of right and wrong, state and society, wealth and poverty, equality, household and work. Metaphors derived from everyday life in woodland contexts were used in the construction of cultural identities relating to gender, working status, locality or nation.

Research Project: Peasant Revolts and Social Conflicts in the Nordic Countries (1300-1800)

The project focuses on the changes in the bases and viewpoint of social conflicts and peasant unrest in geographical and chronological dimensions. The main change that occurred is the diminishing role of violence and the growth of literate protests in the courts during the 17th century. The 18th century presents the "Nordic political peasant" actively participating in state politics through his protests. The organizational basis for the protests is interpreted through the "theory of communalism." The role of the central authorities in allaying the protests is studied through the role the law and law-making had in reducing peasant unrest.

6. The Truth and Reconciliation Papers - The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa (TRC)

Tuesday, 8 August, 14:00-17:00

Building A, Auditorium 3

7. Jesus at 2000 A.D. - end of an European captivity?

Thursday, 10 August, 14:00-18:00

Building F, Auditorium 2

Peder Borgen/Oscar Skarsaune, Norway

The workshop will focus on Jesus' Wirkungsgeschichte outside the traditional Western-ecclesiastical framework. How have non-ecclesiastical historians treated him; how is he seen outside Europe/America?


1. What have historians done with Jesus?

2. Jesus' Modern Influence Outside the Church Institution: Selected Case Studies


3. What has New Testament scholarship done with Jesus?

4. Jesus in African Christianity and Culture

8. Mapping Europe's historic boundaries and borders

Thursday, 10 August, 14:00-17:00

Building B, Auditorium 4

Organiser: Humphrey Southall, United Kingdom

The workshop is concerned with building Geographical Information Systems (GIS) computer systems for mapping and analysing geographically-located information which record the changing boundaries of administrative units, from parishes and communes up to nations and empires. Such systems are of obvious interest to administrative historians, but their main justification is their role in integrating, interpreting and representing, to a wide audience, historical sources of almost every kind: not just statistical sources such as censuses, election results and tax records, but also information on print culture, early drama and saints cults. The workshop will create a country-by-country inventory of activity, and share experience both between existing projects and with colleagues planning new national projects. However, the long-term aim is to work towards an integrated historical GIS spanning the European past.

H-NET (Humanities and Social Sciences Online) Workshops

An international consortium of scholars and teachers, H-Net creates and coordinates Internet networks with the common objective of advancing teaching and research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. H-Net is committed to pioneering the use of new communication technology to facilitate the free exchange of academic ideas and scholarly resources. At present, H-Net is the world's largest distributor of academic discussion lists, sponsoring over 100 discussion networks that reach more than 100,000 subscribers in 90 countries.

Bridging Disparate Voices: The Challenge of Bringing Sound Online

Thursday 10 August: 14:00-17:00

Melanie Rebecca Shell-Weiss, H-Net (USA)
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, H-Net (USA)

Best Practices and Scholarly Networking Online

Friday 11 August: 09:00-12:00

Peter Knupfer, H-Net (USA)

Electronic Networking for Scholars of European History:
The Contribution of H-Net

Friday 11 August: 14:00-17:00

James P. Niessen. H-Net (USA)
Ruediger Hohls H-Net (Germany)

IMAG - International Microdata Access Group

The National Censuses : An International Research Tool? How Can We Achieve Comparability?" (IMAG - International Microdata Access Group)

Friday 11 August 09:00-12:00

Gunnar Thorvaldsen, Norway

The International Microdata Access Group (IMAG) was formed to foster the international collaboration of researchers who work with historical and
contemporary microdata in order to facilitate transnational comparative research. The mission of IMAG is to preserve original population data, microdata,
and their supporting documentation, and to improve access to these data in accordance with national confidentiality standards.

IMAG goals include:

Create an inventory of international population data, microdata and
their supporting documentation;

Document accessibility and administrative constraints for each
country's data, including anonymized data;

Establish protocols for researcher access to integrated
international data;

Analyze the comparability of international microdata;

Explore techniques for integrating international microdata, for
delivery of these data to researchers and for ensuring established
standards of confidentiality.

The current chair is: Dr. Lisa Y. Dillon, University of Ottawa.

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